Fighting the "Frump," with Corina Holden

Published: Sept. 30, 2019, 4 a.m.

What does the word “Frumpy” mean to you? Have you ever felt frumpy?
Have you ever seen the mom in the pick up line at school who just always looks so put together, and you just wish you had a fraction of her wardrobe or fashion sense?
Meet Corina Holden, founder of Frump Fighters: a resource for moms fighting the frumpy monster. It’s worth mentioning that Corina is a mom of three boys, all five years old and under. So you would think that style might be the last thing on her mind, chasing after littles. Not so. Through Frump Fighters, Corina encourages moms to dress intentionally every day, even if you’re not leaving the house or seeing humans older than five every day. 
Shortly after becoming a mom, It became frustrating for Corina to feel "the frump" threatening to take over. In 2016 she decided to do something about it and started researching what her wardrobe was missing. She wanted everything to mix and match easily and needed to work with what she had, being on a family budget! Turns out she wasn't the only mom feeling this way. Frump Fighters (at has become a popular place for moms who need fashion simplified for everyday life.
I love talking about clothes, and this conversation with Corina was no exception. We talk about practical ways to look and feel your best, through simple changes in your closet.
Listen to the end of the show to learn about how you can get 20% off Corina’s Stay at Home Moms’ Year-Round Outfit Guide or the Frumpy to Fabulous Course.