Encouragement for Suddenly Homeschooling Your Kids, with Stephanie Ross

Published: March 23, 2020, 7:11 p.m.

Are you suddenly your kids' teacher? Has the quarantine got you all, "what the what?" I want to help! 

I brought in educator and home schooling expert, Stephanie Ross. Stephanie homeschools three kids: 9, 6, and 4, with a baby thrown in for laughs she says. She’s a writer and contributes to Her View From Home (remember when I interviewed Leslie Means, the owner?) 
Stephanie’s approach to homeschooling is encouraging.  She passionately refers to it as “un schooling,” and I think we can all benefit from this approach, especially when we have zero experience schooling our kids, and during these uncertain times, no less. 
Now, I have to say that the internet connection where I was when I recorded this with Stephanie was total crap, and at one point I had to switch to my phone, so you’ll hear a little change in audio, but Stephanie was beautifully patient and sounds great. 
I think, no matter what your kids’ ages are, you will be encouraged by what she has to say.
SHOW NOTES: http://supermompodcast.com/homeschool