Being Unapologetically Yourself, with Rachel Sobel

Published: July 6, 2020, 4 a.m.

Rachel Sobel — the heart and mind behind — is living the NEW normal: Marriage, Baby, Divorce, Remarriage, another baby.
In between navigating massive loads of laundry, cooking 32 different meals for picky eaters, doing ponytails over until they are perfect and double-fisting iced coffee, she finds time to write all of it down. In addition to being a published author and writing her own blog, she's a contributor for PopSugar, MommyNearest and has work in ScaryMommy, Romper The Huffington Post and Today Parents. 
Sometimes there’s sarcasm - which Rachel tells me is her love language like me - sometimes there’s cursing but she always keeps it real. No filters or censorship, just a gal momming so hard and documenting it. 
Rachel and I talk about what it takes to be vulnerable, and the benefits it brings and being true to yourself, even when you’re not sure who that “self” is. She also shares an amazing mom purse hack.