Episode 198- From Bad To Worser

Published: Feb. 15, 2021, 6:01 a.m.

www.commsolutionsmn.com- Today we finally get around to discussing The Great Reset... and yes, it's going to make things difficult at the local level. How can we prepare to meet the challenges that it will bring head on? We have to be willing to look at what they are, what they say, and what they do... and not dismiss it. This movement has its roots down in Mussolini's National Corporation Council and (by proxy) FDR's National Recovery Agency. This favors the big corporations as they enter into public private partnerships with national governments. This leaves competitors out in the cold, as some businesses are favored and others are not.

Governments and big business are getting together to set the rules that the rest of us are going to have to play by. It's not a conspiracy theory born in some smoke-filled back room. They are doing it out in the open, because they are not ashamed of it, and are putting the rest of the world on notice that this is the way that things are going to be. The World Economic Forum gives these public-private partnerships a place to come together and create policies on how they are going to work together to make the engine of the world go. The rules will always benefit the people in control.

They see an opportunity to take advantage now of the world's issues: climate change, COVID, racism, sexism, etc., and coming up with plans to implement autocratic rule under the guise of "stakeholder capitalism". What is "stakeholder capitalism"? It's an oligarchy comprised of the heads of nations and the world's most powerful companies, who decide what is the best for everyone else. You don't get a voice, and it is going to worm its way into every sector.

An example of this is how Coca-Cola came away from the Davos meeting with a new policy for the outside law firms that represent it. They must report quarterly on the breakdown of diversity in their firms. If the benchmarks are not achieved, Coke will pay those firms at a decreased rate. These are called ESG Standards (Environmental, Social, and Governance). This is exactly how they will force you into accepting all of the critical theory and Green New Deal policies that they want to implement, no matter how stupid they sound. They want to get rid of private property altogether to serve the common good.

The Minnesota Legislature filed H.R.2 that contains articles of impeachment for Governor Tim Walz. There were five articles listed in the bill: failing to respect the separation of powers, inventing new penalties for executive orders, banning the free exercise of religion, taking private property, and banning nearly all non-emergency medical care. Like any other attempt to get to the bottom of corruption in this state, it probably won't go anywhere.

In other news, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has announced that He is going to run for re-election. The far left will definitely run at least one radical candidate that will want to disband the police. Beware the candidate that all of a sudden rises to the top out of nowhere. On a related note, Governor Walz said that he wasn't sure if he's running for re-election, only to show up at a re-election fundraiser hours later. Anyone want to keep him honest? Didn't think so.

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