Episode 196- So Much Losing, So Little Time

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 6:47 a.m.

www.commsolutionsmn.com- Governor Walz is rolling out some big ideas. These big ideas have sweeping local implications. There is so much failing happening. We are 41st in the nation with residents receiving the COVID vaccine (5.6%). Teachers and child care providers are starting to get the vaccine and there are a whole lot of senior citizens that still aren't vaccinated.

The "good" Governor just released a $52.4 Billion budget, more than doubling the size of the budget from the mid-nineties. He is trying to push this through quickly, without anyone getting to find what's in it. Some early items are $150 million for rebuilding Minneapolis, $2.7 million for the state patrol's plan to keep protests from devolving into riots, $1.5 million will be used to offset 125 DNR officers reassigned to the Chauvin trial, $25 million to provide one-time payments to families already receiving welfare assistance. That is only scraping the scum off the top of the swamp, and there's a whole lot of concern over the direction of his budget.

He is also rolling out what every media outlet coins as "sweeping education reform". Walzy is calling it the "Due North Education Plan". The problem is, there's not much education involved in the plan. It's chock-full of equity and critical theory. They want to get students back to school... unless of course you are in high school. Then you can forget it. They want to expand mental health to students over the summer months. Where was that during the last two school years, when kids were struggling with depression and suicide rates were increasing? Funding for schools in Minnesota is based, in part, on enrollment. They want to provide cash to schools in the place of students that left the district. They want to increase access to out of school opportunities. Then there are all of the ethnic studies and race-fueled programs. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Center and the Minnesota Department of Education to address systemic racism. There is an attempt to classify the Native American as an oppressed group that needs to put the oppressor in his place.

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