Episode 192- Let's Do It For The Kids

Published: Jan. 4, 2021, 6:49 a.m.

www.commsolutionsmn.com- Our schools have been shut down for almost a year. We've all got our opinions, but what is the reality? How is this affecting our kids? Are they learning? Are they excelling? Reports would say no. They are missing the structure and boundaries that help them to be successful in learning. They aren't building the social skills that they need in order to take part in a civil society. Our children are losing out big time on vital skills that set them up for life. In fact, in St. Paul Public Schools there's a ton of students getting a "legitimate zero".

Our children are also struggling mentally. Suicide rates are way up among school age kids during the pandemic. Why would a government that doesn't care about killing babies really care if students are dying? This disease has a 99%-plus survival rate, and most of our young don't even get it. Yet, they are getting depressed because they don't have an opportunity to socialize or participate in sports, music, and clubs. The cure is way worse than the disease.

How can we get our kids out of this harmful situation and into something that is helpful for them? We look into some possible solutions to help give kids options. We need to look into wrestling our kids away from the teacher's union and (by proxy) the public schools. The teacher's union, however, will never let our children go that easily. The use of private schools, online learning, homeschool, co-ops, pods, and apprenticeships. There needs to be some destructive innovation, free market choices, and real competition in curriculum. Kids need to have the ability to socialize. Let's hear your ideas!

We also have a little update on the possibility that the Governor will lose his emergency powers when the new Minnesota legislature convenes in January. Some of the DFL'ers that have been voting against renewing his powers have been speaking, but there's still not a definitive word on what will happen. Some of these outstate House members are getting a lot of pressure from their constituents. We can only hope that it is enough to push them over the edge, as the pressure from the Democrat whip is probably pretty heavy too. Time will tell if we will ever be free again. In addition, we take a look at a report that projects which states might lose or add electoral seats after the census data shakes out.

Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

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