Episode 186- The Shutdowns Are Back

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 6:26 a.m.

www.commsolutionsmn.com-  Well, this week our esteemed Governor Walz decided to shut a number of Minnesota businesses down again. We predicted there would be an uptick with accompanied shut downs again, once it got cold. Here we are, yet the state of Minnesota is caught unprepared again.

He has shut down indoor dining at bars and restaurants (and any entertainment in them), sports, and put several limitations on private gatherings, significant life events, and churches. Executive Order 20-96 (yes, there have now been over 96 Executive Orders just this year) states that Attorney General Keith Ellison, county attorneys, and even city attorneys can prosecute any infractions... but that's not all! In addition to actually breaking the order, you can be prosecuted for threatening to break the order! What? That's a clear first amendment violation. Who is going to stand for the rule of law and save us from these autocrats?

The worry is that all of this is planned and preparing us for the Great Reset by tanking our economy. The Biden slogan "Build Back Better" is part of a global movement that other world leaders have been using for quite a while now. This is a shell game and more and more people are catching on. The time to stand is now, before we lose more of our homes, restaurants, and businesses.

Also, two "former" DFL senators, Tom Bakk (Cook) and Dave Tomasssoni (Chisolm), have formally left the Democrat party. We all know that they are not moderates, so what's the deal? Why are the Republicans going to put them in charge of major committees? Becoming an independent in an area that is quickly turning red makes them think that they can hide and stay in office.

Also, Minneapolis will invest $1.2 Million into minority owned businesses for rebuilding after the riots and for environmental justice.

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