Episode 185- An Early Christmas

Published: Nov. 17, 2020, 5:17 a.m.

www.commsolutionsmn.com- A couple of months ago we discussed that the MN Republicans caved and passed a $1.9 Billion dollar bonding bill. Well... we have finally found out what's in it. In keeping with tradition, we decide to go over it and let you know what you are now on the hook for. Remember that bonding is a hidden tax because they tell you what you owe in principal, but always leave out the millions of dollars in interest that you'll pay over the long run.

These bonding bills need 60% approval in each legislative body to pass. The MN House of Representatives passed it 100 to 34 (including all 75 DFLers and 25 of 59 Republicans). The senate passed it 64 to 3. The vast majority of Republicans are absolutely useless in the pursuit of fiscal responsibility.

They try to convince us that it's full of tax cuts. You can't borrow to cut taxes. It gets paid back with our tax money. They gave higher learning $94 million dollars. Minneapolis received $85 million for local projects. St. Paul received $52 million for a bridge. The Metropolitan Council got $55 Million for Bus Rapid Transit. The MN Zoo got $42 Million. It's cities in liberal places, and in conservative places. They are all part the problem. Senators and reps get bought off by the promise of "free money" for their districts. It's just gross, and were in dire need of a culture change.

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