Episode 162- Open Sesame

Published: May 27, 2020, 4:33 a.m.

commsolutionsmn.com- Governor Walz has finally succumb to the pressure and vowed to open things up. Did he really open things up or just give the impression that he was opening them? Churches are allowed to have up to 10 people per service, no matter the size of the sanctuary (or if it's inside or outside). It takes 10 people or more just to run a service! (Note: since the recording of this podcast, the Governor has backed off and allowed 25% attendance). Restaurants and bars are allowed to open with heavy stipulations on June 1st. Hospitality MN was lead to believe that there would be indoor dining available, but now only those with outdoor seating are allowed. These places have already been training staff, preparing their establishment, and ordering inventory. Barbers and salons can operate at 25%. Right now there are more questions than answers. This is either a miserable failure or coordinated confusion to keep things from opening.

How is this considered reopening? How can a business generate enough profit to stay afloat? This is a no plan/plan. This is meant to placate the masses, while local businesses still have to fear closing their doors. Unemployment is at the highest rate in Minnesota since 1983. We must continue to make noise and put pressure on the Governor to get out of the way of business. We have lost many businesses forever already, and there will be more casualties if the government foot isn't taken off their throat. In fact, some fear that up to 50% of Minnesota restaurants could close permanently by the time this is all over. 

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