Episode 044: Mallah Tabot of Cameroon

Published: April 18, 2017, 1:37 p.m.

Mallah Talbot of Cameroon

Mallah Tabot, a double-graduate of Coady Institute, has been recognized as one of Cameroon's most influential young women leaders. She has won a Queen's Young Leader's award, and most recently, won a United Nations World Summit award for digital innovation. Her team at United Vision developed a popular sex education app for smartphones called Ndolo360. Mallah credits her Coady education for helping her continue to progress as a leader in her country.


United Vision organization:http://uvcameroon.org/index.php/about/team/mallah-tabot

Ndolo360 app website: http://www.ndolo360.com/

Coady Institute Certificate in Advocacy: Increasing Citizen Voice and Agency, October 26 - Nov 10, 2017: 
