Moving Through Anxiety and Self-doubt with Angie Ilg

Published: Oct. 22, 2020, 8 p.m.

Angie is a life coach, writer, and speaker. She's passionate about helping people come back into their feminine energy (which makes life a WHOLE lot easier), especially women, but not limited to women. 

She's highly sensitive, and helps people who feel things really deeply, but have never had the tools or support to harness all the gifts that come along with it. What she's found is that, when it goes unrecognized or un-nurtured, it can turn into the flip side of those gifts, struggling with self-doubt, anxiety, and overthinking. She helps people come back to the innate power and gifts within them, so that they can live a life they truly love, love who they truly are, and make a positive impact in this world.
In the past Angie struggled with OCD, an eating disorder, self-doubt, and low self-worth. She found herself in toxic, unhealthy relationships that were dissatisfying, and she was unclear about her purpose or what she was meant to do in this world.
Through deep inner work, with the help of coaches, therapists, and loving relationships, she was able to not only recover, but create the life she'd dreamed of - one full of love, joy, and magic.
She found that one of the keys to self-discovery, clarity, and inner freedom is working with and processing our emotions. She offers a free guide to emotional ease - All the Feels. You can find that here:
Angie also offers a free 45-minute call, where she can offer immediate relief and guidance. The feedback from these calls has been really positive! Book your time here:
Soon she'll be launching a new program designed for anyone born with a uterus ;) It's a guide to coming back to your cyclical nature and your TRUTH, so that you can harness the power already within you to create and live with more ease, love, and magic. Stay tuned for announcements on Instagram @cyclemagicsisters
For more you can find her on Facebook here:
And on Instagram @angieilg
You create your life. We are teaching you to create your life on purpose. Happiness and Freedom are your birthright! 

We have curated an AMAZING Happiness and Health Package with 9 amazing teachers and a TON of free gifts: guides, video series, e-courses, meditations and more! Go grab that here!

Here’s your direct link to some free guided meditations! Check out the General Meditation or the Connect with Your Body Meditation to get back in touch with your sacred physical form. Love, respect, communication… the basics for any great relationship. When you have a great relationship with Your Body, Your Body will give you everything you want!

Watch or listen to past episodes of The How To Choose Happiness and Freedom Show on the Be Happy First Website.

Learn the 5 Secrets to Being Happy and Free here!

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