The US plans its own Belt and Road Initiative

Published: June 21, 2021, 4 a.m.

We all know that in the past, the United States has always referred to China's Belt and Road initiative and loans to relevant countries to develop infrastructure as "neocolonialism." 

Now, the United States said it wants to help poor countries build infrastructure. At the G7 summit that just ended in the United Kingdom, under the leadership of the United States, the G7 agreed to launch a plan to help poor countries build infrastructure, using the so-called "value-driven, high-standard , transparent” partnership against China’s Belt and Road initiative.

In the past, didn’t the United States say that China’s assistance to developing countries in infrastructure construction was “neocolonialism”? However, China is really helping other countries, and the United States is suppressing China in the name of helping other countries. Obviously, the G7 plan led by the United States is difficult to succeed. 

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