How the fall of Kabul helped us see through ten illusions of America?

Published: Sept. 13, 2021, 4 a.m.

 In 2001, the United States entered Kabul by force. In 2021, the United States fled Kabul in embarrassment, and it was the Taliban, now equipped with American weapons, who said farewell to the United States. 

The "Kabul Moment" is far more dramatic than the "Saigon Moment" in 1975, and it can be called magical realism. When the United States launched the war in Afghanistan 20 years ago, its national strength was at its peak. Today is not what it used to be. As Putin said, America is "following the old path of the Soviet Union firmly and confidently."

What the United States is most worried about today is that the "Kabul Moment" is only the first domino to fall and the first hole of the "broken window effect." History has never ended.

However, the imperialists and hegemonists will never admit their failures willingly, will never retreat from the stage of history, and will never honestly acknowledge the "end of American mythology". They are trying their best to project the aura of the peak age to the United States.

Today, let's see through these ten illusions together one by one.

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