Can China survives American Oil Embargo

Published: Sept. 16, 2020, 8 a.m.

Recently, there was an audience comment that America controls most of the world’s oil and can easily start an embargo and starve China. Indeed, the only country that can threaten China's oil security is the United States. 

Because even if China does not produce a drop of oil, as long as the United States does not block and threaten China, China's oil security problems will not exist. For example, Japan's dependence on foreign oil exceeds 99%, but after the Second World War, Japan has never encountered problems with oil security . The reason is simple, because Japan has become an ally of the United States.

Another question is, if China become an ally of the United States, can it solve its oil security issue? Sadly, no. 

Oil security must be dynamic and based on commercial interests. Therefore, China must interweave the commercial interests of oil in the entire Asia-Pacific region, and even spread to the entire Asia and other continents, so that China can truly achieve low cost  oil safety.

Because if America’s allies depend on China’s strong oil supply capacity, the world’s major industrial countries depend on China’s petrochemical raw material supply, and the main market for the U.S. auto industry is also in China, then oil blockade on China will affect everybody.

Therefore, the issue of oil security is not so much a question of whether China can be self-sufficient, but rather a question of how China deals with the US's extreme suppression and maintains sufficient deterrence in the event of conflict. Furthermore, it is the question of whether China has the ability to change the global oil industry system and dominate the future human energy research and development and utilization.

China Explained will show you that because of China’s continued success in industrial upgrading, technological innovation and realizing its huge potential, it is an unstoppable process. The inevitable rise of China may feel intimidating and some simply reject it. Don’t be. More importantly, we will answer the million-dollar question: how can you, as an individual or a small business owner, also profit from the rise of China ?

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