Raising the Level of Professionalism, Respect, and Hustle with Summer Picha and Katie Wagoner

Published: Sept. 29, 2017, 7:05 a.m.


This week\\u2019s episode features Child Care Rockstar Radio\\u2019s first guest interview \\u2014 the awesome Summer Picha and Katie Wagoner, Peaceful Valley Montessori! Summer and Katie have been partners together for about eight years and have increased their business by 10x, going from a small but mighty 30-child Montessori to two school locations with almost 300 children. They represent the type of child care rockstar that impact the community from a place of authentic education and intent and are proof positive that you can manifest your dreams. We hear how they went from teachers themselves to business owners, their mission to impact children, families, and teachers and what the future holds for more growth and expansion.


Key Takeaways:

[2:55] Summer and Katie started the business 8 years ago. They were two teachers and were inspired after attending a conference. They started with 30 students and expanded their business by 10 by expanding into two campuses.

[5:09] They hire primarily young women of many different backgrounds and levels of education. They highly encourage their staff to continue with education.

[7:49] They looked at other successful leaders in different industries and fields and applied them to their own personal model.

[11:02] Summer and Katie share an insight on hustle, and how an accidental email led to a giant opportunity.

[14:28] They lean on people in their network who have a positive mindset and prior experiences for support. Honesty is key.

[17:01] Joining a mastermind can really help connect you with skills and a mindset of success and friendship. Local experts can help mentor you, or if there is not one locally, check out ones such as the Child Care Success Academy!

[20:05] Summer and Katie touch upon their leadership philosophy of attracting the best talent in their teachers, and then encouraging them to grow. They set the tone at the beginning so everyone is aware of their values and expectations in the professional culture.

[26:04] The Montessori approach is unique and Summer and Katie both have worked all the positions within the Montessori world, so they can handle all issues with a sense of perspective and experience.

[30:13] The ladies discuss the challenges and pressures of expanding into two larger schools, and maintaining personal relationships when they are busy and stretched thin.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Kris Murray

Child Care Marketing Solutions

Child Care Success Academy

Peaceful Valley Montessori

6 Months to 6 Figures, by Peter Voogd

The 10x Rule

Children: The Challenge: The Classic Work on Improving Parent-Child Relations \\u2014 Intelligent, Humane & Eminently Practical, by Rudolf Dreikurs and Vicki Stolz

The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children, by Ross W. Greene PhD

Positive Discipline: The Classic Guide to Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Cooperation, and Problem-Solving Skills, by Jane Nelsen Ed.D.

What Got You Here Won\'t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful,
by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter

Dale Carnegie

