Pot Meet Kettle: Biden Refers to Cuba as ‘Failed State’ and ‘Repressive’

Published: July 16, 2021, 9:14 p.m.

On today's episode of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie commemorate the birthday of Assata Shakur, who is 74 today, by discussing how her case, her struggle, and her example continue to influence the movement today, the continued state repression against freedom fighters in the US, as well as the need to continue to fight for political prisoners like Sundiata Acoli.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Johanna Fernandez, Associate Professor of history at Baruch College of the City University, author of the book The Young Lords: A Radical History to discuss the anniversary of the historic occupation of Lincoln Hospital in NYC by The Young Lords in 1970, the issues of lack of access to decent housing, food, and healthcare that they confronted, the connection to workers’ rights and wages that they also connected, and the lessons we can learn in the ongoing struggle surrounding these issues today.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Mike Sampson, co-host of the RedSpin Sports podcast and Miguel Garcia, host and creator of the Sports As A Weapon Podcast to discuss the US challenging Nigerian-born basketball players Nneka Ogwumike, Chiney Ogwumike and Elizabeth William requests to play for Nigeria in the Tokyo Olympics, the ways that sports team owners use their franchises to skirt paying taxes even as they make billions off of the working class and poor fans that support their franchises, and how Black soccer players are subjected to racism in European leagues whether they win or lose, highlighting the case of English player Bukayo Saka and the virulent racist attacks he received from British fans upon missing the winning goal against Italy in the Euro 2020 championship.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Margaret Kimberley, editor and senior columnist at Black Agenda Report and author of the book "Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents" to discuss the hypocrisy of US President Joe Biden calling Cuba a ‘failed state’ that represses its citizens as hundreds of thousands in the US are dead from coronavirus and millions face hunger and homelessness, how US-backed regime change Hip Hop is being promoted by corporate-owned media platforms and how anti-imperialists can’t be taken in by disinformation on the subject of Cuba.