You Say Russia's Helping Trump Again? You're Fired

Published: Feb. 21, 2020, 5 p.m.

In a classified briefing, Members of Congress were warned that Russia is continuing its efforts to meddle in the 2020 election, and that their activities include attempts to tip the scales in the Democratic primary. Trump is reportedly angry that the briefing took place, concerned that the disclosure could be weaponized against him once his campaign to hold the White House shifts into high gear. The acting Director of National Intelligence was removed from his post over the congressional briefing, which originated in his office. As Bernie Sanders continues to lead in the polls of several key states, down-ticket Republican incumbents and the advocacy groups trying to keep them in the Capitol, have begun to tie Democratic challengers to Sanders by painting him as the standard bearer for the party. They reportedly hope to win back suburban voters who have been turned off by President Trump by warning perhaps with hyperbole that the alternative is state-controlled socialism. Other than billionaire Bloomberg's self-funded campaign, Sanders appears to be the only candidate going into the critical March primaries with a healthy financial warchest. According to financial disclosures released yesterday, the combined cash held by the Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar and Warren campaigns totals just above Sanders' $17 million. 

On today's show: 
Domenico MontanaroNPR's senior political editor and correspondent, discusses recent reports that the firing of acting DNI Joseph McGuire was related to his staff briefing Congress on a major election security issue ahead of the 2020 presidential contest.