Super Tuesday Bi-Coastal Breakdown

Published: March 4, 2020, 5 p.m.

After Joe Biden's success on Super Tuesday, and the relatively poor showings from Bloomberg and Warren, the race looks like it will boil down to a face-off between Barack Obama's moderate Vice President and the progressive Senator from Vermont. Bloomberg, who showered Super Tuesday states with a $400 million ad-buy, walked away with a measly 9 delegates, causing him to re-consider whether further investing in the race would be fruitful. Warren too is strapped for cash heading into the late-March contests that are now, for a candidate who has not placed above third in any race, including in her home state, not looking good.

On Today's Show:
Rolling Stone senior writer Jamil Smith and politics staff writer Tessa Stuart talk about the state of the 2020 race after Super Tuesday.