Where Psychedelics and Nursing collide, Back to Basics

Published: Jan. 29, 2022, 6:54 p.m.


This Episode is the collision of Nursing and Psychedelics. Andrew Penn, MS, PMHNP is a UC San Francisco trained psychiatric nurse practitioner. He serves as an Associate Clinical Professor in the UCSF School of Nursing and practices at the San Francisco VA where he works with NP residents and students. He has completed the CIIS, MAPS, and USONA trainings in psychedelic assisted therapy and has worked as a study therapist on a phase 3 MDMA-assisted therapy protocol for PTSD and is Co-investigator the Usona-sponsored study of psilocybin assisted therapy for major depression. He is the co-chair of Sana Symposium and a cofounder of the Organization of Psychedelic and Entheogenic Nurses (OPENurses.org), advocating for the perspective of nurses in psychedelic therapy and has published on psychedelic nursing in the American Journal of Nursing and The Journal of Humanistic Psychotherapy.  He can be found at Andrewpennnp.com
