Ep. 48 Bob Explains the Highlights of His New QJAE Article on Fractional Reserve Banking

Published: Aug. 7, 2019, 10:33 p.m.

https://www.bobmurphyshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/bank.jpg () Bob goes solo to explain some of the most important points in his new QJAE article on the fractional reserve banking debate. Bob shows why Mises thought *any* issuance of fiduciary media caused the boom-bust cycle, and he points out a major flaw in George Selgin’s defense of fractional reserve banking. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Bob’s https://mises.org/library/more-quibbles-problems-theory-and-history-fractional-reserve-free-banking (new article in the QJAE) on fractional reserve banking. Bob’s https://youtu.be/N0VOodu-f98 (Mises U lecture) that gives a primer on the intra-Austrian debate on FRB. http://bobmurphyshow.com/contribute (Help support) the Bob Murphy Show. The audio production for this episode was provided by http://podsworth.com (Podsworth Media).