True Story: NYCFC Gets a Win / Ep 418 / Blue City Radio

Published: July 5, 2023, 10:41 a.m.

\\nEpisode 418:
\\nEveryone knew the moment would come eventually. Everyone knew that NYCFC would not go the rest of the regular season winless, but the streak kept creeping along, through May and then through most of June.
\\nThis week Mike Anderer and Mike Allen jump on the microphones to discuss the victory from Stade Saputo against CF Montreal. There’s also audio from Nick Cushing and Justin Haak in the episode. Our resident Justin Haak critic, J.R. deBart was oddly unavailable for this week’s recording. We are sure he’s on scripting some eloquent praise for the NYCFC homegrown player that he will share on an upcoming episode.