Energy Breathing: A Simple Exercise To Grow Your Energy Body and Presence (Bitesize Wisdom #143)

Published: Feb. 19, 2020, 8:30 a.m.


Energy is all around you. On our self-development journey, one of the primary tools that we use to gain self-knowledge is our attention. We develop a deep and intimate relationship with attention. Which is just an aspect of our true Will. Not what most people take their Will to be which is a constantly changing little \\u201ci\\u201d, the will of our conditioned personality.   


When our attention is refined enough it may be possible for us to be able to perceive and to draw in the energy in the air. This gives you a little clue into the real meaning of \\u201cinspiration\\u201d. The Latin word \\u201cspiritus\\u201d means both breath and soul. All of the other major traditions tell us that the air contains special energies. From the Taoist traditions, it is known as ch\\u2019i. From Yoga and Hindu philosophy, it is known as prana. Ruach, from Hebrew, is the breath of life. And pneuma is the ancient Greek word for breath and also related to the spirit.  


So today we will be talking about the importance of collecting the vital energy in the air for our inner work.   


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