MCartney Green 7 tips for a Total Life Transformation!

Published: April 24, 2017, 11:24 p.m.

b'[caption id="attachment_1327" align="alignleft" width="300"]Native American Sketch Guiding Spirit The Guiding Native Spirit[/caption]

Life can SUCK sometimes unless you find THE JOY!

Do you need a Life Transformation?

Life Can Suck...Sometimes and requires hitting rock bottom to obtain our attention. The reason we hit rock bottom, usually indicates we simply were not paying the necessary attention the important lessons. We have all the excuses in the world as reasons why we\\xa0have not achieved\\xa0the desired outcome to our life. Given a particular set of circumstances of living ease, we should be living life full throttle. McCartney Green is a woman of experiences of Poverty, abuse, rape and rebuilding. We are not our past. We are the future, this moment is the most important moment to live. \\xa0These ideologies were the basis of our interview on The Billionaire Lifestyle\\xa0Podcast. Let\'s say life does suck a Let\'s say life does suck at the moment, what are you going to do? Try accepting the moment for what it is, a moment or series of moments which will change.

Suicide is not an Option

Suicide contemplation\\xa0was flowing into McCartnety Green\'s life at the lowest point. Just when the Shit was about to hit the fan, there was an intervention from a higher power in the form of a spirit guide. \\xa0Often it requires an act of God to wake us from our living slumber. Over the course of 20 years, she held fast to her guiding secret spiritual mentor until, the secret could be harnessed not longer. After 10 books the truth through allegory\\xa0must be shared. \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0

Enter McCartney Green Alive!

McCartney Green is an author, speaker, and spiritual mentor. Who has \\xa0written 11 books, the most recent being a book\\xa0 titled, \\u201cMessages from Transcendent Beings, We are NOT Alone.\\u201d McCartney, yes that is her first name, has been sharing with audiences all over the world how they aren\\u2019t alone and how we all have a team of beings (you can call this team whatever you want) \\xa0helping lead, guide, and protect us.\\xa0Sometimes these being are present to give us a kick in the butt. Which is why I\\u2019m reaching out today, because I\\u2019ve been called to share with audiences all over How to Have \\u201cUnshakeable Joy -\\xa0 7 Keys to A Happy Life AND to Becoming a Manifesting Magnet." Amazingly, these same keys are also the keys to super spirituality, and to a psychic connection. [caption id="attachment_1331" align="aligncenter" width="300"]McCartney Green & tips for life Transformation McCartney Green - 7 tips for life Transformation[/caption]

The Interview

In the interview, she shared with The Billionaire lifestyle the 7 steps used to go from a life falling apart to a life that is filled with absolute and unshakeable joy. She is now able to share teachings for audiences everywhere promoting they too can have a life that\\u2019s filled with Unshakeable Joy. In this inspiring and joy-filled interview The billionaire lifestyle audience will learn: \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 The #1 thing that causes disconnection and stress \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 How to feel absolute joy even on your worst day \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 A 2-second technique that can change your life \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 The fastest & easiest way to raise your vibration \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 The one simple thing most people forget to do that makes them think God isn\\u2019t listening \\u2022\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 How to use the unshakable joy process to become a manifesting magnet (so they can achieve their hearts desires) \\xa0

7 tips for a Total Life Transformation!

  1. Be an observer of your own Thoughts

  2. Hydrate and Stretch

  3. Let go - Stop trying to control everything.

  4. Pull Light To you

  5. Practice Meditation and Prayer

  6. Raise your Vibration

  7. Pay Attention


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