Ep100 - Pat Tiernan (2x Olympian): Stepping Up for Marathon Debut in Chicago; Australian Marathon Debut Record of 2:11:00 At Risk Chicago Marathon & Chill Ep4

Published: Oct. 5, 2022, 9 p.m.


Pat Tiernan is a two-time Olympian on the track (5k and 10k) for Australia, making his marathon debut at the 2022 Chicago Marathon. The Australian marathon debut record of 2:11:00 is in jeopardy. We discuss Pat\'s training, mindset, and goals for the race. We also keep it light-hearted and talk about his wedding, honeymoon, post-season plans, and challenge him with a bit of Chicago Marathon trivia. 


Watch the video version on Spotify or YouTube: https://youtu.be/yabmT1B0MgM


Presented by Athletic Brewing \\u2014 Use code BEERMILE20 for 20% Off at Athletic Brewing Beer




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Use code BEERMILE20 for 20% Off at Athletic Brewing Beer


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  • 0:00 Intro presented by Athletic Brewing and Manscaped
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  • 4:32 Pat Tiernan ahead of Chicago Marathon 2022
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