Declaring Your Renewal

Published: June 1, 2021, 12:26 p.m.

On this date of the 1st of June this year of 20/20+1 I am renewing my commitment to not going back to anything. Forget all the chatter and nonsense about getting back to the way things were pre-pandemic. What passed for normalcy was anything but. It is time to renew our vision, refresh our focus and restore our true paths.

In my thoughts that makes this a landmark, a milestone, a point of demarcation. Now that we understand that things are no longer how they once were, we can more easily accept that  how we need to prepare, what we can expect, and even how we anticipate the next changes beyond the next corner are becoming to us from a new point, perspective and even view of life.

Starting this step along our shared journey with the wisdom of hindsight, we are able to clearly see what did and didn’t work for us in the past. What we need to fully release. What we truly cherish, and desire to recreate in beauty.

What a gift! Therefore today we’ll look at how to make the most of this time for renewal.

This episode is also available as a blog post: