Media Call - Small Business 2014 Health Insurance Rates, WI Vs MN

Published: Sept. 11, 2014, 4:39 p.m.

b'Citizen Action of Wisconsin is releasing a new report on Thursday at 11 AM analyzing 2014 small group health insurance rate variations between Wisconsin and Minnesota to determine which state offers more affordable health coverage for small businesses.\\n\\nLike the well-documented individual marketplace rate gap between Minnesota and Wisconsin, the report finds a significant gap in the small employer health insurance market. The report provides regional numbers, making it possible to compare each of the metro area of Wisconsin to rates in Minnesota.\\n\\nUnder the Affordable Care Act, states have the tools to reduce the cost of health coverage for their residents. Despite individual market comparisons between Wisconsin and Minnesota, no research has comprehensively compared small group health insurance rates.\\n\\nThis report includes weighted average analysis of Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) options that have posted their insurance rates on and to determine policy impacts on premium rates.\\n\\nJoining the call to discuss the implications of the findings will be State Senate Democratic Leader Chris Larson and Representative Jon Richards, Ranking Democratic member of Assembly Health Committee.'