The Dance Between Insecure Women + Narcissistic Men Pt 1

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 5 a.m.

The tango begins, but not in a good way.  Have you ever felt completely creeped out, but don't know why?  Does a coworker get in your body space, reach over, but you just can't speak up?  Has anyone told you to stop being sensitive, and you chalk it up to being too emotional?  You might be an insecure woman in a tango with a narcissistic man?  This wolf among us reads body language and energy better than Deepak.  He/She is prowling the supermarkets, churches, workplace looking to pounce.  It took me a lifetime to understand that "creepy" feeling is my internal guidance system screaming at me.  Learn why, how to cope and thrive while you live life to the fullest.

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