#485: [Right Now at AWS] Episode 12 - Intelligent Automation

Published: Nov. 24, 2021, 8:32 p.m.

b'Intelligent Automation on AWS is for anybody who has ever wanted a better, faster way to accomplish a task. It decreases manual effort across an organization and provides 70 to 90% business process efficiency, on average. Listen to the podcast to learn 3 common approaches to implementing intelligent automation, including: AI-powered assessments into how employees actually work; low code and no code point implementations assembled with minimal need for additional code development; and digital workers that can be deployed to provide an automated team member that carries out a specific business process.\\n \\nContact account team - https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/sales-support/ \\nRead the report - https://www.linkedin.com/smart-links/AQE2VbXYFItriA'