#450: Optimizing Vaccine Distribution with AWS

Published: May 30, 2021, 7:32 p.m.

b'Amidst the COVID 19 pandemic, the US state and local technology infrastructure has never been more critical. These systems \\u2013 most notably call centers, electronic lab reporting (ELR) systems and disease surveillance systems \\u2013 are under extreme pressure as public health organizations work to track, report, and share information on COVID-19 cases. Today Simon is joined by Jim Daniel, Public Health Lead, State and Local Government here at Amazon Web Services, to learn all about the current state of public health in the US. They dive into the challenges faced, what was done to help, lessons learned, and how the cloud can support modernization of immunization information systems.\\nBest Practices Blog: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/sharing-best-practices-vaccine-administration-cdc-national-forum-covid-19-vaccine/\\nExpert Q&A: https://papers.govtech.com/Cloud-Based-Infrastructure-Helps-Public-Health-Meet-the-COVID-19-Data-Challenge-138784.html\\nScaling Public Health Infrastructure with the Cloud: https://webinars.govtech.com/Scaling-Public-Health-Infrastructure-for-COVID-Response-with-the-Cloud-137070.html?appCore=https://cms.erepublic.com/common/forms/ajax_form/137070'