Atlanta Business Radio Interviews Charlie Cummins with Trove. Where Insight is Mined and Applied.

Published: March 12, 2008, 5:23 p.m.

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This morning we had on Charlie Cummins MS, LPC, a coach, executive advisor, consultant, author and speaker with over twenty years experience in helping individuals and organizations.  As founder and President of Life Transitions Consulting, he has partnered with Trove Inc. and brought his expertise as an executive coach and trusted advisor.  Charlie offers a unique combination of personal and professional skills gathered from his background in clinical psychology and organizational management.  This combination of skills equips him to evaluate and present success principles which help executives and their organizations maximize the use of their number one resource – themselves.

Trove exists to fine-tune your business and open new doors. Their  objective is on focusing your business to excel and perform at 100%.

When it comes right down to it, your company is made of people. Individual team members bring more to the table than just their expertise. They demonstrate their own dynamic set of working styles. They bring their own feelings about their roles. They have their own agendas, both good and questionable. Most importantly, they interact with every person in your organization in a unique way.

Through interviews, distinctive assessments and a wide variety of services, Trove identifies your strengths, shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. And not just from a numbers perspective or a one-size-fits-all approach.

Utilizing decades of experience to apply the right tools and techniques for your company, Trove will maximize the potential of your partners, employees and even prospective hires. And in the process, they will become partners who will not only identify opportunities for improvement, but also develop and execute the solutions to them.

The tagline for  Trove is Insight. Mined and Applied. Visit their website at and their blog site more information.

Also if you know of a business owner in Atlanta that we should know about please email Amy Otto at Amy @ and we will try and get him or her on the show.