Webinar: Women and Australian International Affairs

Published: June 3, 2020, 6:23 a.m.


This La Trobe Asia event launches the newly released Australian Journal of International Affairs special issue \\u201cCritical Analyses in Australian Foreign, Defence and Strategic Policy\\u201d, a collection of essays by early- to mid-career Australian women researchers that arose as a response to ongoing issues around women\\u2019s visibility and representation in Australian International Affairs.


Session One:vWomen in Australian International Affairs


What challenges face women's equitable participation in the discipline & vocation of International Relations, & what strategies and responses might help redress gender imbalances in the field?


This keynote panel will discuss the findings of the article \\u201cWomen in Australian International Affairs\\u201d, written Dr Jasmine-Kim Westendorf and Dr Bec Strating of La Trobe Uni who co-edited the special issue.


Dr Jasmine-Kim Westendorf, La Trobe U\\n
Professor Sara Davies, Griffith U\\n
Associate Professor Sarah Percy, Queensland U\\n
Chair: Dr Bec Strating, La Trobe U


Session Two: Critical Analyses of Australian Foreign, Defence & Strategic Policy panel


This session (chaired by Jasmine-Kim Westendorf) presents the ground-breaking research of women scholars published in the Special Issue with time for questions after each short presentation.


Topic 1:\\n
The politics of strategic narratives on regional order in the Indo-Pacific: Free, open, prosperous & inclusive?\\n
Dr Monika Barthwal-Datta, UNSW & Dr Priya Chacko, Adelaide University


Topic 2:\\n
Perceptions of terrorism in Australia: 1978 \\u2013 2019\\n
Dr Danielle Chubb, Deakin University


Topic 3:\\n
The Australian Foreign Policy White Paper, gender & conflict prevention: Ties that don\\u2019t bind\\n
Dr Chris Agius, Swinburne U & Anu Mundkur, Flinders University


Topic 4:\\n
The externalization of Australian refugee policy & the costs for queer asylum seekers & refugees\\n
Dr Jaz Dawson, The Refugee Hub - Ottawa University


Topic 5:\\n
Enabling authoritarianism in the Indo-Pacific: Australian exemptionalism\\n
Dr Bec Strating


Held on 3 June, 2020
