Webinar: Trump in Asia

Published: July 2, 2020, 5:52 a.m.


Donald J. Trump\\u2019s win in the 2016 US elections was met with mixed emotions across Asia. Many in the region greeted the election with cautious optimism. They assumed that Washington would take a more pragmatic line, and that a man who prided himself on his business acumen would present new opportunities in trade and resource relations.


But the Trump presidency has proven to be unpredictable. His relationship with Asian countries has been wide-ranging, from flattering to negligent, and competition among the major powers, particularly between China and the United States, has intensified and is now the dominant feature of the region\\u2019s international relations.


So how has the relationship between the United States and Asia fared under the leadership of Donald Trump? Will the situation improve in the future, and what will it mean for the power balance in the region if they don\\u2019t?


The launch of the La Trobe Asia Brief Issue 4 - Trump in Asia: A More Dangerous Place.


- Associate Professor Nicole Curato (Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra)\\n
- Professor Zha Daojiong (School of International Studies, Peking University)\\n
- Dr Huong Le Thu (Australian Strategic Policy Institute)\\n
- Dr Rebecca Strating (Executive Director, La Trobe Asia)(Chair)
