Japan March for LifeWill Non-Catholics Join?

Published: Aug. 3, 2019, 8:57 a.m.

b"This week's #asiaforlifepodcast is covering stories from the 2019 Japan March for Life. In this closing episode, I discuss one of the ways that Cathoilcs and Protestants are different, and how that affects pro-life efforts.\\n\\nThe pro-life movement has made efforts around the world to be inclusive, while also holding strong principles about defending all human life. What can people do when they agree on pro-life issues, but disagree on religion?\\n\\nI don't know. But let's keep talking, and do our best to work together.\\n\\nFollow @asia.for.life on Instagram for future episodes. Read the transcript at: \\nasiaforlife.com/japan-march-for-life-will-non-catholics-join-podcast/\\n\\u2027\\n\\u2027\\n\\u2027\\n#\\u30de\\u30fc\\u30c1\\u30d5\\u30a9\\u30fc\\u30e9\\u30a4\\u30d5 #japan #marchforlife #marchforlifejp #churchinjapan #japanesechristians #hongkongchurch #prolife #prolifemovement #asiaforlife #asiaforlifepodcast"