Inter Podcast: Episódio 11- Gonzalo Villena, Director of the English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island talks about Synchronous and Asynchronous online English Programs.

Published: May 25, 2020, 4 a.m.

In the new Interstudy podcast Gonzalo Villena, Director of the English Language Institute at the College of Staten Island talks about Synchronous and Asynchronous online English Programs.  We enroll in a language center in our city, we study one or two hours a day, and we obtain a sufficient level for our goals. If we are lucky, our college or university gives us a few hours of language instruction or it is a requirement in our university academic plan. Those who have the possibility of studying a language in a country where that language is spoken, they take their suitcases and enroll in an intensive language program, exposed all day to the culture and academic environment of that language. In these moments with adverse health conditions, what options do we have?... Learn more listening to our podcast.