ANTIC Interview 251 - Carl Moser and JR Hall, Eastern House Software

Published: Nov. 8, 2016, 8 a.m.


Carl Moser and JR Hall, Eastern House Software

Carl Moser and JR Hall were founders of Eastern House Software, the company that created several products for Atari 8-bit users, including Monkey Wrench and Monkey Wrench II, and the KISS word processor. They also created the MAE assembler/software development system, which was available for Commodore PET, Apple //, Atari 8-bit, and other computers.

This interview took place on October 17, 2016.

Teaser quote: (Carl) "JR and I would work \\u2014 we was working at AT&T a regular day, then we\'d probably work \'til 2 or 3 o\'clock in the morning, then get up, go to work the next morning."

Universal 6502 Memory Test in issue 1 of Compute! magazine

Eastern House Software Advertisement

Eastern House Software - product catalog

Eastern House Software - dealer brochure
