ANTIC Interview 223 - Gigi Bisson, Antic Magazine

Published: Aug. 28, 2016, 7 a.m.


Gigi Bisson, Antic Magazine

Gigi Bisson was an editor at Antic Magazine, one of the two major U.S. magazines devoted to Atari 8-bit computers. She was also editor of Antic Online, the magazine\'s forum on the CompuServe Information Service.

This interview took place on August 4, 2016.

Teaser quotes:

"This indecipherable stuff written by these techie guys would come in and then I would have to massage the copy and make it seem like a story."

"They used to force me to play games. Again, I wasn\'t really a gamer; I was a writer. I remember, \'Oh, I\'ve got to play a game. Ugh!\'"

Gigi\'s articles in Antic

Gigi\'s articles in STart
