MY “create moments” PHILOSOPHY

Published: Aug. 16, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

I was nervous... LISTEN TO THE PODCAST WHY I BELIEVE THAT TIME IS ALL ABOUT MOMENTS I will never forget the moment where I understood: "Wow...that's what life is about!" It could have been a great insight coming to me by sitting on a fancy hotel terrace, watching the ocean, with a nice wisp of a warm wind...but no, I was almost dying, lying in the snow, not able to move, in the middle of the night - not knowing where I was. Thanks god there was Lupa... Who is Lupa? You will know soon. Enjoy this episode!    A little outtake: "Why are many people NOT experiencing these kind of moments in their everyday life. Because they are stuck in their tornado of life. They feel captured, almost imprisoned in a system, a matrix with to-do lists and deadlines. This tornado is a trap and it’s stealing our life time! When you are in there - you don’t see any other options, you feel like „Oh that’s just how it is. It’s life“ and with every year passing by, the tornado seems to swirl faster and faster and that’s when you feel, that time is running away and you loose control.Now. Now is the time - to get out of this tornado. How?" Take care and thank you for your trust.Sincerely,Anna  By the way: I am producing new content for "after-the-summer-break" which will be over soon my dear ones out there! And in about 30 days I will be in Sweden, staying for at least 2-3 months and that means: being creative! Wooohooo!  The Member's Club CHECK IT OUT Episode notes: No need of episode notes this time - let this speech be a surprise