EP14. False friends with Marty To discuss & Discutir, Carpet & Carpeta, To assist & asistir, To pretend & pretender

Published: April 3, 2021, 10:21 a.m.

b'Hello, my friend Marty! It\\u2019s a pleasure to talk with you again. Marty: It\\u2019s a pleasure to talk to you, Joffre! Joffre: Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic, and it is false friends. Have you ever heard about false friends? Marty: Uh yes! Joffre: Okay! Let\\u2019s dive into this topic, my friend. The 1st group that we have is discuss and discutir. Could you help me to understand this meaning? Marty: Yeah! Joffre: Discuss\\nMarty: Yeah, discuss. Discuss means when you\\u2019re talking about something, you\\u2019re talking about a topic or you\\u2019re maybe discussing things personal between you and someone else, so, you\\u2019re talking about it, having a discussion, discussing that. Joffre: But it is in a friendly way, isn\\u2019t it?\\nMarty: Yeah. A discussion usually is in a friendly way. It could be also in the context of, maybe of like educational, you\\u2019re discussing an educational topic, but it\\u2019s usually is in a friendly way, yeah.\\nJoffre: Okay. Ahora voy a explicar el significado de discutir en espa\\xf1ol. Discutirse refiere a una pelea, a un problema que tienes con alguien y entonces discutes; es como que no est\\xe1s de acuerdo con algo y hay una discusi\\xf3n, es un problema, no es algo amigable, es un problema que las personas est\\xe1n teniendo, alzan la voz, est\\xe1n alteradas, entonces es un problema. Marty: \\xa1Es interesante!\\nJoffre: Exacto, no se parecen. Discuss and discutir son falsos amigos. Marty: Uh-huh. Necesito tener cuidado con esta palabra.\\nJoffre: Exacto, todos necesitamos tener cuidado, exacto. Tu no puedes decir a alguien como:- Joffre, necesito discutir contigo. \\xbfQu\\xe9? \\xbfPor qu\\xe9 quieres discutir conmigo? \\xbfQu\\xe9 pasa? (Laughs) \\xbfMe entiendes? Marty: \\xa1S\\xed!\\nJoffre: Okay, pero vamos a intentar encontrar la correcta traducci\\xf3n. \\xbfCu\\xe1l ser\\xeda la traducci\\xf3n correcta de discuss? \\xbfPodr\\xeda ser conversar?\\nMarty: Discuss? Conversar, s\\xed, conversar. Joffre: Podemos conversar algo o podemos debatir algo, \\xbfpuede ser? Marty: Ah s\\xed, debatir algo es una discusi\\xf3n tambi\\xe9n, aj\\xe1. Joffre: Bien y ahora discutir, \\xbfcu\\xe1l ser\\xeda la traducci\\xf3n al ingl\\xe9s? Del espa\\xf1ol.\\nMarty: Discutir, discutir would be to have an argument, you\\u2019re having an argument or disagreement with someoneand it\\u2019s not necessarily friendly.\\nJoffre: Okay, it would be having an argument or to argue with someone. Marty: To argue with someone, yes, that\\u2019s right.\\nJoffre: Okay, so, we need to be careful. To sum it up, discuss in English is conversar o debatir en espa\\xf1ol, discutiren espa\\xf1ol is to have an argument or to argue with someone in English.\\nOkay, let\\u2019s move on to the next one and it is to assist. Could you help us to understand the meaning of to assist?\\nMarty: Okay, uh.huh. To assist means that you\\u2019re going to help someone with a task or responsibility, something that they are engaged to, you\\u2019re going to help them, you\\u2019re going to assist them.\\nJoffre: Okay y asistir en espa\\xf1ol significa ir a alg\\xfan lugar o alg\\xfan evento. Voy a asistir a la fiesta de un amigo, voy a asistir al partido de futbol, entonces no significan lo mismo porque asistir es una cosa diferente. \\xbfCu\\xe1l ser\\xeda la correcta traducci\\xf3n de to assist someone in Spanish?\\nMarty: To assist someone is ayudar a alguien.\\nJoffre: Exacto. To assist someone is in English pero en espa\\xf1ol is to ayudar a alguien, ayudar a alguien, voy a ayudarte, let me assist you, d\\xe9jame ayudarte.\\n**No more space here read the free ful transcript at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/joffre/ep14-false-friends-marty-to-discuss-discutir-carpet-carpeta-to-assist'