Netcast - September 1st, 2013

Published: Sept. 1, 2013, 5:10 p.m.

Reflections on the plight of organized labor, with union leader Paul Booth and economist John Schmitt on how to fight the Republican assault on working people.

Labor Day 2013 finds much of the nation finally focused on income disparities and the plight of minimum wage workers. Our guests today speak directly to those issues. Long-time union leader Paul Booth says the fight progressives must make is not only about good wages, but good wedges -- framing our concerns in terms of winning wedge issues. Economist John Schmitt takes us through the history of the minimum wage fight. And Bill Press talks with the University of Virginia’s Larry Sabato about that state’s race for governor.

Paul Booth

Labor Day commemorates the contributions of America’s working men and women, and a leader of the government workers union, Paul Booth, says that just being right on issues isn’t enough – you have to use language to win the message war.

John Schmitt

Economist John Schmitt explains how the productivity of American workers has gone up since World War II, and how steeply wages have fallen in comparison. He answers the question of where in the world the McDonald’s worker does better.

Larry Sabato

Bill Press talks with the University of Virginia’s Larry Sabato about that state’s race for governor.

Jim Hightower

Where Labor Day came from, and where it’s going.