Netcast - October 20th, 2013

Published: Oct. 20, 2013, 5:06 p.m.

Food expert Robert Paarlberg says the biggest danger from contaminated food comes from your own kitchen. Historian Richard Moe says Obama can take lessons from FDR. And Larry Sabato talks with Bill Press about the JFK legacy.

The role of government in regulating food safety came up recently when the FDA and Agriculture Department were shut down. But food expert Robert Paarlberg says the biggest health danger lies in your own kitchen. Historian Richard Moe tells us that FDR never wanted to run for a third term, until World War II made him. He also says Obama can take a lesson from FDR by using executive power when Congress won’t cooperate. And Bill Press talks about the legacy of JFK with political scientist Larry Sabato.

Robert  Paarlberg

Professor Robert  Paarlberg is an expert on American agriculture and food production. He says there is no evidence of risk from genetically modified organisms, BUT what’s most likely to make you sick is how you prepare food in your own kitchen!

Richard Moe

Historian and author Richard Moe says FDR ran for a third term only because he couldn’t find another Democrat who would follow his policies and could win the election. He also says President Obama has something to learn from FDR’s second term blues.

Larry Sabato

Bill Press and his guest, political scientist Larry Sabato about the legacy of JFK.

Jim Hightower

Wall Street magicians make reform disappear.