Netcast - October 13th, 2013

Published: Oct. 12, 2013, 9:10 p.m.

Music historian Sheryl Kaskowitz explains why we are singing “God Bless America” so much. Economist James K. Galbraith assesses the country’s economic mess. Bill Press interviews Congressman Bruce Braley.

With the baseball playoffs in full swing, fans and viewers will hear “God Bless America” during every 7th inning stretch. A music scholar tells us how it has become such a powerful national song. With a new head of the Fed and the fear of national default in the air, progressive economist James K. Galbraith reviews the meaning of government shutdowns, budget sequesters and the debt ceiling. And Bill Press talks with Iowa Congressman Bruce Braley.

Sheryl Kaskowitz

Everyone knows the song “God Bless America.” It will be sung during every post-season baseball game. But it has a powerful and controversial history and, says author Sheryl Kaskowitz, communal singing of it can have “a coercive element.”

James K. Galbraith

Economist James K. Galbraith offers his view on the way out of America’s politically-driven economic mess, with an emphasis on the environment, infrastructure repair and an aging population.

Bruce Braley

Bill Press and his guest, Congressman Bruce Braley of Iowa.‎

Jim Hightower

Monsanto buys a food prize.