Netcast - February 15, 2014

Published: Feb. 14, 2015, 9:21 p.m.

Califano on the movie “Selma,” author Darman on how LBJ and Reagan were alike, and Bill Press interviews Hillary biographer Jonathan Allen.


With the Oscars coming up, former Lyndon Johnson aide Joe Califano unloads on “Best Picture” nominee “Selma” for being “totally false.” Author Jonathan Darman has written a book comparing LBJ with Ronald Reagan, an odd couple who were the last two “outsized” presidents. And Bill Press talks with Jonathan Allen, co-author of a book about Hiliary Clinton.


Joe Califano

Joe Califano was Lyndon Johnson’s top domestic adviser. Today he blasts the movie “Selma” for a totally false portrayal of his former boss.


Jonathan Darman

What did Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan have in common? Author Jonathan Darman says they were the last consequential presidents because they had a vision of real change.


Jonathan Allen

Bill Press and his guest, Jonathan Allen, co-author of a book about Hillary Clinton.


Jim Hightower

The KBParty of plutocratic rule.