Netcast - April 4, 2015

Published: April 4, 2015, 3:28 p.m.

Hillary Clinton biographer Jonathan Allen on her campaign prospects … professor Thomas Schaller on problems facing House Republicans … and Bill Press talks Chicago politics with Lynn Sweet.


It’s April already. Is this the month Hillary Clinton declares for president? Clinton biographer Jonathan Allen says after she announces, she will have to move to the left, but not too fast. Political scientist Thomas Schaller thinks the Republican party is going to be hurt by the loosening of campaign spending rules because it means outside forces will seize power from party leaders. And Bill Press interviews Chicago political reporter Lynn Sweet.


Jonathan Allen

Jonathan Allen, now the chief political correspondent for vox-dot-com, has written extensively about Hillary Clinton. He says one problem facing her likely presidential run is the history of infighting among her staff.


Thomas Schaller

Political scientist Thomas Schaller says the polarization in Congress is so great that all Republicans are farther to the right than any single Democrat. Another way of putting it is that the most conservative Democrat is still to the left of the most liberal Republican.


Lynn Sweet

Bill Press interviews Chicago political reporter Lynn Sweet.


Jim Hightower

2016 presidential candidates address inequality (sort of)