Americarnage #176: It Burns Quite Badly

Published: Feb. 5, 2016, 9 a.m.


Mike and Dan assemble in the secret underground lair to go over their plans for world domination and how they're usually ruined when HdP gets drunk and loses the key to the CarnageTank or something* when who should rock up but a man who has the whole world domination thing sorted - people just give him all the shit he could possibly need - Mr Ben Isaacs!

In other news: Dan accepts gifts from people who accept gifts from companies and is conflicted in more than one way; Ben buys something with his own money and boy does it feel good; Dan talks documentaries you need to see; Mike talks the movies of Jason Statham and the guys get surprisingly excited; March Madness is over and Mike tells you all about it; FIghtMadness is also over and we have a winner - listen to find out folks; a rare quiet week in the NFL means just drugs charges and murder trials to compete with the beginnings of draft-frenzy; NHL is coming to the sharp end of the season and it's all abit mental; NBA is coming to the sharp end of the season and it's a bit boring - well, less mental than hockey but them's the breaks; lots of fun in the Bodean's Mailbag and the requisite much, much more...

*There is no CarnageTank, go back to sleep and dream happy dreams which don't involve a thousand foot high war machine implanted with Rex Ryan's brain.
