Will Robots Cause Mass Unemployment? Debate Highlights and The Failure of LBJ's Great Society and What It Means for the 21st Century.

Published: Feb. 5, 2020, 12:17 a.m.

 Will Robots Cause Mass Unemployment? Debate Highlights and The Failure of LBJ's Great Society and What It Means for the 21st Century.


  • Will Robots Cause Mass Unemployment? Debate Highlights
  • The Failure of LBJ's Great Society and What It Means for the 21st Century.


Will Robots Cause Mass Unemployment? Debate Highlights

Watch the entire debate at- https://youtu.be/NKE3SaKMm1M


Martin Ford and Antony Sammeroff debate the impact of robotics on the economy. "Robotics will soon lead to widespread joblessness and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few." That was the resolution of a public debate hosted by the Soho Forum in New York City on January 6, 2020. It featured New York Times bestselling author Martin Ford, arguing the affirmative, versus Antony Sammeroff, spokesperson on economics and environment for the Scottish Libertarian Party. Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein moderated. It was an Oxford-style debate, in which the audience votes on the resolution at the beginning and end of the event, with many "undecided." The side that gains the most ground is victorious. Sammeroff prevailed in the debate by convincing 19.64 percent of audience members to come over to his side. Ford picked up 2.68 percent.  Ford is the author of "Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future," "Architects of Intelligence: the Truth about AI from the People Building It," and "The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology, and the Economy of the Future." Sammeroff, who argued for the negative, is the author of "Universal Basic Income: For and Against" and co-host of the Scottish Liberty Podcast. The Soho Forum, which is sponsored by the Reason Foundation, is a monthly debate series at the SubCulture Theater in Manhattan's East Village.

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The Failure of LBJ's Great Society and What It Means for the 21st Century.

Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/0TLezYG_5kY


Historian Amity Shlaes talks about the last time a president massively expanded the federal government to help people. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/reasontv Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reason.Magaz... Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/reason Subscribe to our podcast at Apple Podcasts: https://goo.gl/az3a7a Reason is the planet's leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective. Go to reason.com for a point of view you won't get from legacy media and old left-right opinion magazines. ---------------- In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson announced his plans for what he called "the Great Society," a sweeping set of programs that marked the most ambitious expansion of the federal government since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal. Johnson declared war on poverty, jacked up federal spending on education, and pushed massive new entitlement programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, which promised to deliver high-quality, low-cost health care to the nation's elderly and poor. When Republican Richard Nixon succeeded Johnson, a Democrat, as president after the 1968 election, he continued and even expanded many of the Great Society programs despite being from a different political party. But did the Great Society achieve its goals of eradicating poverty, sheltering the homeless, and helping all citizens participate more fully in the American Dream? In Great Society: A New History, Amity Shlaes argues that Lyndon Johnson's bold makeover of the government was a massive failure despite the good intentions of its architects and implementers. Shlaes, who is the author of The Forgotten Man, a best-selling history of The Great Depression (read Reason's 2008 interview with her), and the chair of the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation, says remembering the failure of the Great Society is especially relevant in an election year when presidential candidates are promising to spend huge amounts of money on all sorts of new government programs. Nick Gillespie sat down to talk with her about the origins of the Great Society, its failure, and what it all means for 21st century America. Interview by Nick Gillespie. Intro by Lex Villena. Edited by Ian Keyser. Cameras by Jim Epstein and Kevin Alexander.




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