Why We Need a Savior. ACU Sunday Series.

Published: April 17, 2020, 10 a.m.

Why We Need a Savior. ACU Sunday Series.

American Conservative University

Why We Need a Savior. ACU Sunday Series. Why We Need a Savior Why Are Families Important? How Can I Follow Jesus Christ? Who Is Jesus Christ? What Is a Church Community? Follow Him Who Am I? Your Spirit and Your Body What Is the Holy Bible? Journey Through Grief Is There Life After Death The Lesson of the Kite Building a better relationship with Jesus Christ Why We Need a Savior—A Christmas Message about Our Savior Jesus Christ. #ASaviorIsBorn. Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/Ly7c9scxB9I Mormon.org "Why We Need a Savior—A Christmas Message about Our Savior Jesus Christ. #ASaviorIsBorn. What if we could never take back words, decisions, and mistakes? What if we were in a world where every heartache lasted forever. This is what the world would be without a Savior. Long ago, one night in a tiny town, a child was born. Born to change all hearts and fix all mistakes. He understands all of us. He can heal us. He is there to bring us home if we let Him and follow Him. This is why we celebrate, sing, and give praise this Christmas season. This is why Jesus Christ was born. To learn more about why we need a Savior, please visit: https://www.mormon.org/christmas Subscribe to mormon.org: https://www.youtube.com/user/mormon?s... Learn more about mormon.org: https://www.mormon.org/" Why Are Families Important? Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/ZpoA6vGbigA Mormon.org The family is the divine building block of society. Family: it makes a nice picture. But if we look outside the frame, there is a bigger picture. When we are born we are pretty helpless. And as we grow older we continue to take care of each other. The more families take care of each other, the more they can build stronger communities. And the stronger communities become, the better the world becomes. Families are much more than the here and now. We wouldn’t be who we are without our ancestors. This is why we have a responsibility to find them and learn their stories. We can also create family relationships so strong that they last beyond this life. In temples, couples can be married not just till death but for eternity. So families can be together forever. God is our Father and we are His children. That is the big picture. Subscribe to Mormon.org: https://www.youtube.com/user/mormon?s... Learn more about Mormon.org: https://www.mormon.org/ How Can I Follow Jesus Christ? Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/r6CA2AtYkFM Mormon.org "Following God is how we find lasting happiness in this life and salvation in the next. God sees us as who we can be. Every day we are faced with choices, and to help us make good decisions, God gave us commandments. Instead of looking at them as a list of rules, see them as lights. Together they show us the best path. Sometimes we lose sight of God’s path and we find ourselves in darkness. This is why we have repentance. It is not about feeling guilty; it is about asking God for help. Because His son Jesus Christ died for all our sins, we get to feel the joyful feeling of forgiveness. It is a light so bright it makes the shadows of our mistakes disappear. And as far as God is concerned, it is like it never happened at all. Subscribe to mormon.org: https://www.youtube.com/user/mormon?s... Learn more about mormon.org: https://www.mormon.org/ " Who Is Jesus Christ? Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/fkE73ltbUO4 Mormon.org "Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and the Only Begotten Son of God the Father. There is one name that almost everyone has heard but many don't know. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, Alpha and Omega, Lord of Lords, and the reason we have Christmas. We know His teachings that include love your enemies and love one another. Christ is not just a man or a teacher, He is the Messiah to save all His people (including us) from sin and death. He is also the Son of God. This gave Him the power to come to Earth, share God’s teaching, and perform miracles. His greatest miracle is giving mortals life and happiness after death. All we have to do is follow and have faith in Him. Sometimes we fail, but that is why Jesus is still relevant today, to help us be better. Subscribe to mormon.org: https://www.youtube.com/user/mormon?s... Learn more about mormon.org: https://www.mormon.org/" What Is a Church Community? https://youtu.be/dQvZqYQVc2I Mormon.org Mormons strive to be actively involved in their church community, believing that stronger church communities lead to a stronger society. God doesn’t love us for just an hour or two once a week. So if church exists so that we can become closer to God, it needs to be bigger than a Sunday service. A group of members aren’t just a congregation; they are an extended family of faith. No matter where Mormons live, members belong to a local congregation called a ward. In each ward there...