Part 1 of a 12 Part Series on The Cold War.

Published: March 12, 2020, 10 a.m.

Part 1 of a 12 Part Series on The Cold War.

November 9, 2019, is the 30th anniversary of the day the Berlin Wall came crashing down, freeing East Germany from communism, and marking the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. But when did the Cold War start? Why does it matter 30 years later? Find out in this ten-part series, transport back in time, feel what it was like to live through the end of the Cold War, and understand why that struggle was a battle for civilization itself. Bill Whittle narrates this compelling series about two competing ideologies battling for global supremacy in the ashes of World War 2.



The Cold War: What We Saw | An Iron Curtain - Episode 1

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Esoteric Radio Theatre

World War III — the Apocalypse that never was — started in the same place that World War II in Europe had ended: Berlin. “An Iron Curtain has descended across the Continent,” said Winston Churchill, and that curtain ran right through the heart of Berlin. On the Eastern side, the collectivist, state-centered world of Joseph Stalin communist ideology, armed to the teeth with conventional forces. On the other side — the Western side — a war-weary alliance of capitalist countries, led by the beacon of individual rights, the United States. In Part 1 of The Cold War: What We Saw, we will peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.



The Cold War: What We Saw | Two Bombs - Episode 2


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Right Angle — with Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Stephen Green — is a production of the Members at, who distribute 48 news shows each month, write an engaging daily blog, and gather for reasoned thought, civil dialogue, mutual encouragement, and flat-out fun. If these sound like your people, join us now at