John Zmirak Article- The Lefts Favorite Rioters, Black Lives Matter, Back Hamas Slaughter. Are We Next?

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'John Zmirak Article- The Left\\u2019s Favorite Rioters, Black Lives Matter, Back Hamas\\u2019 Slaughter. Are We Next?\\nThe Eric Metaxas Show\\n\\xa0Oct 13 2023\\xa0\\xa0\\nArticle mentioned-\\nThe Left\\u2019s Favorite Rioters, Black Lives Matter, Back Hamas\\u2019 Slaughter. Are We Next?\\n \\nBy\\xa0JOHN ZMIRAK\\xa0Published on\\xa0October 11, 2023\\nJohn Zmirak\\nI\\u2019m sorry for this column. Really, I am. I feel like that Cockney in shabby clothes who has to barge into the formal dining room on board the\\xa0HMS Titanic\\xa0and ruin everyone\\u2019s meal. \\u201cExcuse me, guv\\u2019nor. It appears that we\\u2019ve sprung a leak. You see that iceberg out the window \\u2026 ?\\u201d\\nBut somebody has to tell you. Things in America are going to\\xa0get a great deal worse before they get better.\\xa0If indeed they do. We\\u2019ll be subjected to violence and tyranny, and we\\u2019re going to live a lot more as Israelis do for a bitter period of time that our descendants will read about and shudder.\\nI\\u2019d have to write a book, or maybe several, to explain just how we got here. But suffice it to say that when we faced the threat of a committed, America-hating Marxist becoming president of the United States, what we sent up against him was \\u2026 the compromised, half-hearted Establishment hand puppet John McCain. Instead of exposing Obama\\u2019s long-standing ties to radical, violent revolutionaries committed to dismantling our way of life, McCain thought his job was to be a good Washington General, and lose graciously to the Globetrotters. That\\u2019s why the Democrats loved him so much, and all turned up to grin at his funeral.\\nThe Deep State Still Works for Obama\\nOnce in power, Obama took the grossly unconstitutional powers which George W. Bush had gained through the Patriot Act, and used them to\\xa0politicize the Deep State\\xa0and turn it into a\\xa0political secret police. That same Deep State undermined and negated the choice of the people in 2016 with fake \\u201ccollusion\\u201d scandals and a phony impeachment, and today it serves Joe Biden by classifying the half of our country\\u2019s citizens\\xa0who support Donald Trump\\xa0as dangerous extremists.\\nAs we process the monstrous scale and savagery of the attack on Israeli civilians, we shouldn\\u2019t really be thinking about foreign policy. Israel must take its vengeance, and I hope that its response to this Pearl Harbor launched by Hamas and Iran mirrors what the U.S. did to Japan. But that\\u2019s Israel\\u2019s business, and if its leaders are smart, they won\\u2019t even consult with America\\u2019s leaders before they take action. Because the people in charge over here aren\\u2019t on their side. And they aren\\u2019t on ours.\\nNo, we should be thinking about what we will do when the same kind of people with the same evil ideas launch attacks like that one against us.\\nNot if. When.\\nBlack Lives Matter and Hamas Are Indistinguishable\\nI don\\u2019t just mean Muslims, though they\\u2019re the most likely foot soldiers who will do the dirty work. No, I mean vicious, anti-Western radicals of every creed and color, some of them pasty-white Antifa adherents now living in their parents\\u2019 Martha\\u2019s Vineyard basements.\\nThe picture couldn\\u2019t be starker. As Al Perrotta noted in The Brew, the Marxist group Black Lives Matter which launched a low-level civil war in a dozen American cities has\\xa0endorsed the Hamas attack.\\nThis is the same group that Kamala Harris praised and bailed out of jail. That Michelle Obama wielded as a threat when she\\xa0warned voters\\xa0during the Democratic National Convention that the riots could get worse, and would, unless Joe Biden won:\\nIf you take one thing from my words tonight, it is this: if you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don\\u2019t make a change in this election. If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.\\nWill Democrats denounce BLM now? Will the timid, infighting, Ukraine-fixated leaders of our hapless GOP even demand it? The question answers itself.\\nPolitical Militias L'