3-Star General McInerney calls for martial law, tribunals, suspending of the certification of the electoral college, arrests of those that have committed treason

Published: Dec. 2, 2020, 3:51 p.m.

3-Star General McInerney calls for martial law, tribunals, suspending of the certification of the electoral college, arrests of those that have committed treason


Brannon Howse: November 30, 2020

Mon, 11/30/2020 by Brannon Howse

Exclusive: 3-Star General McInerney calls for martial law, tribunals, suspending of the certification of the electoral college, arrests of those that have committed treason and a full investigation in the cyberwar far by enemies both foreign and domestic. Topic: Hear part of the first interview that General Michael Flynn gave exclusively to Brannon and WVW Broadcast Network after his Presidential pardon from President Trump. Topic: Mary Fanning brings us up to date on some of the latest news around the voter fraud, on-going coup and cyberwarfare. Topic: We take your calls.



General McInerney-

“They have hijacked our Government”

It is Treason Against this Nation

Have not seen a threat like this since the Civil War.

Declare National Emergency

Implement Insurrection Act

Arrest those involved Foreign and Domestic

Suspend vote certification pending investigation

Suspend Habius Corpus

Declare Martial Law

Crush Rioting quickly and Violently

Military tribunals

100 Million Americans will support