Use of the causative verb (have, let, make, get, and help) By Alok Pandey.

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 7:13 a.m.

b'Knowing the causative verb is significant.\\n\\nSince an English learner is often starving to compose an intriguing pitch. To draft a persuasive point one needs to churn the significant English elements. The use of causative verbs is one of them.\\n\\n What does it mean by causative verb?\\n\\nIf somebody causes something to happen, to constitute this sense in English, causative verbs (Let, make, have, get, and help) are used. In other words, somebody or something is indirectly responsible for a action.\\n\\nFor example,\\n\\nManager and an employee:\\n\\nManager: Go and prepare this report.\\n\\nEmployee: Yes sir.\\n\\nHence the report is ready, certainly, the employee prepared the report. But the action took place for the sake of the manager\\u2019s requirement. Thus the manager is responsible to cause this action to happen.\\n\\nUse of the causative verb \\u201clet\\u201d.\\n\\nWe use \\u201clet\\u201d causative verb to allow and permit someone to do something.\\n\\nStructure: Subject + let + object (person/thing) + verb base form.\\n\\nI let the students speak in their mother tongue.\\n\\nThe manager let the employees join the meeting who came late.\\n\\nI let my child go outside to play.\\n\\nShe is letting her child play while study time.\\n\\nThe English teacher letting the students make mistake while Speaking in English.\\n\\nHis manager didn\\u2019t let him go.\\n\\nUse of the causative verb \\u201cmake\\u201d.\\n\\nWe use make to force or require some one to do something.\\n\\nStructure:\\xa0Subject + make +\\xa0object (person/thing) + verb base form.\\n\\nThe manager makes his employee prepare fifty reports daily.\\n\\nThe teacher made the students read a page of the poem.\\n\\nWhy don\\u2019t you make her cook breakfast?\\n\\nI make my son exercise daily in the morning.\\n\\nHe makes his servant clean the whole house stuff.\\n\\nUse of the causative verb \\u201chave\\u201d.\\n\\nWe use the causative verb \\u201chave\\u201d. If someone does something for you as you pay for it or you ask to do it.\\n\\nStructure:Subject + have +object (person) + verb base form.\\n\\nSubject + have +thing + past participle of verb.\\n\\nFor some examples,\\n\\nI have my son complete a math exercise.\\n\\nI\\u2019m going to\\xa0have\\xa0my hair\\xa0cut\\xa0tomorrow.\\n\\nWhen did you have your hair cut?\\n\\nHe had his haircut yesterday.\\n\\nUse of the causative verb \\u201cget\\u201d.\\n\\nWe use causative verb \\u201cget\\u201d. If we persuade someone to do something or you like someone to do something for you.\\n\\nStructure:Subject + get +object (person) + infinitive.\\n\\nThe manager gets assistant to prepare the reports.\\n\\nHe got him to clean the room.\\n\\nThe teacher got student to write an one page essay.\\n\\nI got a student to speak English an hour.\\n\\nShe gets him to write an intriguing article.\\n\\nUse of the causative verb \\u201chelp\\u201d.\\n\\nWe use the causative verb \\u201chelp\\u201d. If we help someone doing something.\\n\\nStructure:Subject + have +object (person) + verb base form.\\n\\nHe helped me receive my certificate.\\n\\nI help him reach here.\\n\\nI help the teacher speak English.\\n\\nTeachers help students aggregate good marks.\\n\\nShe helps her child solve the math question.'